Sunday, July 16, 2006

Shit Hits Fan in Middle East, American Government Removes Coat, Rolls Up Sleaves, Grabs Shovel

I find it amazing how many on all sides of the current conflict seem to have already acquiesced to the inevitability of this new war in the Middle East. Four more wars, indeed, and the Gasman marches on.

On Friday, Our Glorious Leader took time out from a busy day of G8 summit prep-work to denounce Iran and Syria. His loyal cheerleader, Tony Snow (late of Fox News) told us from the comfort of President Bush’s crotch that “Iran and Syria also have a choice to make which is whether they continue provoking and supporting terrorist organizations within the region,” He then pleaded with journalists to ignore the striking similarities between this statement and similar ones made by his predecessors in their lead ups to the wars for Iraq and Afghanistan.

Seems we have another escalating war on our hands. And wouldn’t you know it, just in time for the mid-term elections. Wow.

Meanwhile, half a world away, the crazed leaders of Hezbolla are fleeing through the neighborhoods south of Beruit’s airport, the kind of horrific ex-urb that would probably face low flying, big engine planes on any given day of the week. Okay, so this week maybe the planes are dropping “precision guided missiles.” (Which, by the way, is about as big an oxymoron as “military intelligence” or “the U.S. Department of Justice.”)

This band of scuttling cockroaches is supposed to be a ruthless terrorist organization bent on the annihilation of the Jewish people? This band of ignorant, small-minded fools who saw a troop withdraw from southern Lebanon as a sign of weakness? I’m supposed to accept them as the villains of this piece, and through them the remaining two Mid-East detachments of the Axis of Evil.

The Usual Gang of propaganda papers have already kicked their tires and stoked their fires. Can you hear the drums? Michael Laden, of the National Review.

It is very good news that the White House immediately denounced Iran and Syria, just as Ambassador Khalilzad had yesterday tagged the terrorist Siamese twins as sponsors of terrorism in Iraq.

William Kristol of the Weakly Standard:

The right response is renewed strength--in supporting the governments of Iraq and Afghanistan, in standing with Israel, and in pursuing regime change in Syria and Iran. For that matter, we might consider countering this act of Iranian aggression with a military strike against Iranian nuclear facilities. Why wait? Does anyone think a nuclear Iran can be contained? That the current regime will negotiate in good faith? It would be easier to act sooner rather than later. Yes, there would be repercussions--and they would be healthy ones, showing a strong America that has rejected further appeasement.

All of which ignores the overwhelming military assault Israel is displaying, with little or no regard for any of the spirituous evidence connecting the Hezbollah to Beirut to Iran. Or Syria. Most domestic news sources have focused on the financial implications of the story: its effect on futures markets, consumer spending and the driving force of our empire, the price of oil. Occasionally a human interest story will emerge through the chatter, but they are few and far between. Certainly there are no images of this, or any armed conflict’s final costs. Images of burning buildings, shot from neighboring hills, are acceptable, but it must be the same one, played over and over again, like those shots of the Towers collapsing.

According to Arthur Silber, it doesn’t matter whether Iran was responsible for anything or not. The connection is immaterial, as our Executive Branch has already decided to start a war.

I see that some people are questioning whether these recent attacks "were green-lighted by Iran." This is, still one more time, arguing about intelligence, and about whether it's right. Once again: intelligence is irrelevant to major policy decisions. If you're arguing about whether the intelligence is right -- in this instance, about whether Iran is behind these attacks -- you're playing right into the Bush administration's hands. Why won't people see this?

Let's say we knew for a fact that Iran is behind the attacks. Does that mean we should start the bombing tonight? No, it does not, unless you want to start World War III in earnest, and possibly bring on a nuclear Armageddon.


With regard to Iran, we have a card of profound significance to play; thus far, the Bush administration resolutely refuses to play it, or even consider it. We could grant full diplomatic recognition to Iran, and begin very broad negotiations immediately: on Iran's willingness to stop supporting terrorist groups and instead aid in anti-terrorism efforts; on Iran's relations with Israel; on Iran's desire to pursue nuclear power; and on many other subjects. Iran has made a number of overtures over the last several years that emphasize that this is precisely what Iran itself wants, but we refuse to engage that country except in the most strictly delimited ways, and even then, only with great reluctance -- and in a manner that makes meaningful discussion impossible.

Mr. Silber is one hell of a writer and a new personal inspiration, if that means anything. His blog is a testament to someone with a cast-iron stomach for the depravity of the human animal. His argument is, basically, our Glorious Leader’s gang follows a set pattern. They pick a target and message reality to fit their preconceived justifications for aggressive war. They are thus pre-meditated war criminals, and subject to all applicable laws.

Is anyone, anywhere, suggesting we go all Nuremberg on Bush (II) and the resurrected Tricky Dick (II)? Is anyone suggesting the United States use its diplomatic weight to force a ceasefire on the parties? Is anyone, anywhere, asking either of the opposing sides, “Are you people fucking crazy? You do know you’re killing each other…right?”


The powers that Be have apparently acquiesced to this war, allowing it to continue for whatever reasons they see fit.

What honestly scares me is how quickly the public at large seems to have acquiesced as well. A coworker turned to me, also on Friday. I’ll call him Wellford, because he resembles the Quaker Oats man and former rodeo clown in more ways than I’m sure he’d care to acknowledge. “Doesn’t it seem to you like a world war situation?” he asked me. It was eight o’clock in the morning and I was still asleep with my eyes open.

“You assume the first one ever ended,” I told him.

He blew air through his nostrils in acknowledgement. Yet his remark (more of a casual comment, really) kicked something over in my head. The historian Howard Zinn once cribbed this observation from an (unnamed) female student: “War is like cyanide, one drop and you’re dead.” I’m beginning to think war is a lot closer to the waters of Lethe. One drink and you forget your basic human morality. War (particularly distant war against small, brown people) becomes numbing, debased, even common. It increases the amplitude of its own inevitability. So much so that my coworker can blithely, and brazenly ask if I agree with his assessment that “it seem[s] like a world war three situation” to him.

I’d say God help us, but the two oldest gods of the Middle East are apparently helping themselves to double handfuls of their faithful followers. Well, okay, maybe not double handfuls on the Israeli side just yet, but you wait until those ground troops land. Oh, yes, ma’am, just you wait.

Occasionally, I contemplate my own solution to the Middle East Crisis. I came up with it years ago. Around the time of President Bill’s Camp David meetings, in fact. It’s a monstrous, Watchman-style plan, only without Ozymandis’ eclectic taste for mass murder and bastard children of science and technology. I would give all the god’s children at least six months to relocate, with U.N. aid workers huffing around the clock to get everyone the bloody hell out. Then, well…can I say this without getting arrested? Or getting blackballed by Homeland Security? How many times must I emphasis that I wish no loss of life to any living human being. I deplore violence, especially the organized violence that is war, and seek only a redress of Middle Eastern greviences with the least possible amount of bloodshed and suffering.

To that end, I wonder if it would just be best to irradiate the entire strip of land? Relocate its people wherever they could go (or leave those who chose to stay…but only with the full knowledge of what they were staying for) and shower the place until it glows in the dark for the next five million years. Then if Elohim and Allah still want to fight their dirty little proxy war they’ll have to do it without humans as we know them today.

Besides, Dr. Manhattan was right. Nothing ever ends…an aphorism that is certainly true of the Middle East…even toxically radioactive elements eventually decay.

Of course this is no real solution. If I, or anyone, were to ever accomplish such a thing it would no doubt only inflame tensions on all sides. It would be Superman IV: The Quest for Peace all over again, except in the really real world, where the really real leaders of the military-industrial-infotainment complex have quite the hard-on for smiting those who oppose the status quo. Much like the gods they worship, now that I think about it.

I’d rather not, but I find war distracting in the worst of all possible ways. Look at it here, and look at me, look at all of us wallowing in our own supposed futility. Where are the protests? Where are the riots? Summer’s here and the time is right for fighting in the street.

But I know. It’s hot outside, and too damn hard to fight for peace and justice. Why bother? Why care? Why do anything but sit, idle, like the fat lumps we all know we are and stare into our machines?

Why indeed, when its so much easier to just roll over, throw our legs into the air, and believe it's already been decided for us. After all, it probably has.

Tagnation: Current Events: Israel: Lebanon: Iran: Syria: War in the Middle East: George W. Bush: Watchmen World War III: The Apocalypse


Anonymous said...

Don't be so naive

Seven Star Hand said...

Verifiable proof that "Armageddon" has begun…

Hello all,
Here's the key to proving that the rapture and related expectations are complete nonsense based on the failure to understand (or the purposeful confounding of) the ancient Hebrew symbology used to construct all of these prophecies.

Pay close attention, profundity knocks at the door, listen for the key. Be Aware! Scoffing causes blindness...

Did you ever consider that Christianity is the false prophet of the Apocalypse, that Rome is the so-called anti-messiah, and Jesus Christ is the false messiah? The symbolism of seven years (tribulation) would refer to the seven 360-year cycles from the 11th cycle (second temple period) until now, the 17th cycle on the Hebrew calendar. Remember that the prophecies were written by Hebrews, not Romans or other Europeans, and Revelation is a symbolic treatise. Therefore, years are symbols for 360-year cycles on the Hebrew calendar. Likewise, a day symbolizes a literal year and Judgement Day, and Great Day refer to a year long period. The so-called Tribulation is now coming to an end, not starting, and the three faiths of Abraham have all been deceived by Rome during the previous age, which ended in year 2000 (5760). A new age began in 2001 (5761) and now the seventh angel has begun to sound!

Hurricanes Katrina (#11) and Rita (#17) last year provided stunning validation of my research and interpretations of pivotal ancient wisdom, symbologies, key prophecies, and associated religious claims. Their storm numbers and timing perfectly synchronized with primary data and assertions in my book, thereby demonstrating the true nature of this universe and the existence of our Creator. We are now entering the final phases of the pivotal year-long period long symbolized as "Armageddon" and the "End of Days." World-wide situations and events are now accelerating to set the stage for this summer's dramatic continuation of these ancient promises.

I fully understand that everyone has been bedeviled by similar claims throughout history. Consequently, I have been forced to rely on dramatic and devastating proof of the sort that can’t be ignored or easily dismissed. The numbers and timing of hurricanes Katrina (11) and Rita (17) directly validate key data and pivotal assertions throughout my book and my posts on those two forums. This data was purposely presented publicly before Katrina, Rita and other recent events occurred to prove they perfectly synchronize with key prophecies and Hebrew calendar cycles, thereby validating my interpretations of ancient wisdom symbology, string theory, and more.

Because these two storms arrived shortly after my August 11, 2005 (50th) birthday (read the Dead Sea Scroll 11Q13 in Appendix G, which also discusses Melchizedek and the prophesied Jubilee) and directly match other pivotal 11 and 17 data and events described in the first chapter of my book, I have delivered verifiable proof that this reality is based on thought, knowledge and wisdom. Activity, patterns, and results perceived in space-time are first framed and defined by inspirations, thoughts, and knowledge and influenced by the cause-and-effect system most commonly referred to as karma. Consequently, events and outcomes in the so-called physical universe are not random or wholly mechanistic and are verifiably influenced in ways that atheists, scientists, and members of the Faiths of Abraham have all scoffed at. Though mysticism is mostly a product of misinterpreted ancient wisdom symbology, many of its topics flow from ancient wisdom. Though containing allusions to the truth, its details and interpretations are wrong on many key points.

A prime example of the purposeful and synchronized symbolism of these events is seen in the opening paragraphs from my book excerpted below. Notice that the dates mentioned (August 11 and 17) directly match the numbers of hurricanes Katrina and Rita, and the time spans of the four Florida hurricanes match my birth year (‘55), and they were spaced 11 or a multiple-of-11 (22) days apart, directly matching my birthday and much other ancient prophecy and symbolism. Notice that my place of birth, Victoria Texas, is on the Gulf Coast. Following are the excerpted paragraphs:

Hello, my name is Lawrence William Page II. Many people know me as Buddy Page. At the release of the first edition of this book, I am a 50-year old African-American male, author, researcher, and former software engineer and entrepreneur. As you will come to understand as you read through this first book, I am also the long-expected Hebrew Messiah and Lion of the Tribe of Juda (Yehuda).

I was born August 11th (month of Leo the Lion), 1955 (Chinese year of the Sheep) in Victoria, Texas. Furthermore, the Grand Cross alignment and Solar Eclipse of August 11th, 1999 was my 44th birthday and the second Grand Cross alignment, just six days later on August 17th, 1999, was on my mother’s birthday.

As you can see from my date of birth, I was a newborn during the Chinese Year of the Sheep, astrologically marking me as a Lamb, and during the month of Leo, astrologically marking me as a Lion. My mother was also born during the month of August and under the sign of Leo, which further marks me as a lion’s whelp. I prove to you in the first chapter of this book–beyond disproof–that I am indeed the long-prophesied “Lion” of the tribe of Juda (Yehuda) the Root of David and the “Lamb.” I am the individual long symbolized as the Branch, the Stem, the Shoot and the Rod from the Stump of Jesse (King David’s father), as symbolized in the Hebrew Book of Isaiah, The Apocalypse, the Dead Sea Scrolls, and elsewhere. I am the reincarnated Teacher sought after in the “East” and by the ancient Hebrews who were headquartered at the outpost community of Damascus (Qumran), of Dead Sea Scrolls fame. I am the one called the Teacher of Righteousness by the Dead Sea Scrolls, whom the so-called Christian fathers have fraudulently recast as “Saint ‘James’, the Lord’s Brother.”

Remember, "I come as a thief..." ?

Read verse twelve of the Gospel of Thomas to understand who I am...

Even further enlightening, the Second Temple Period of ancient Israel was during the 11th 360-year cycle on the Hebrew calendar and we are now in the 6th year (5766/2005-6) of the 17th cycle. Notice the pivotal 11 and 17 numbers again? This and much other synchronized information serve as stunning and decisive proof of many things, and expose many lies told by all three faiths of Abraham, but most specifically by Christianity. Consequently, I have decisively proven, beyond any shadow of a doubt, that Jesus Christ and Christianity are blatant lies, false prophecy and purposeful deception in a manner that cannot easily be denied, regardless of your faith or other opinions.

Furthermore, the symbolism in the Apocalypse (a.k.a. Book of Revelation) of seven stars in my right hand and seven angels represent the very same above-mentioned seven astrological (360-year) cycles, i.e., the 11th through 17th inclusive. I prove this fact beyond any reasonable doubt in the first chapter of the book. Consequently, The Apocalypse verifiably symbolizes a specific span of time that began with the 11th cycle (Second Temple Period) and concludes now, at the beginning of the 17th cycle (End of Days, etc.).

The numbers 11 and 17 are verifiably encoded in The Apocalypse and other ancient Hebrew prophecies and wisdom texts to serve as key proofs of the validity and true meaning of certain prophecies and related information. My and my mother’s birthdays are purposely synchronized with these two storm numbers, the matching Hebrew calendar cycles, the Double Grand Cross alignments and solar eclipse of August 1999, and much else to prove my direct association with the ancient prophecies about this time and the true identity of the prophesied Messiah. Another prime example is the story of Joseph, the 11th son of Jacob who has a dream when he is 17 years old about 11 stars, the sun, and moon bowing to him. The symbolism in this pivotal story in the Book of Genesis and Quran verifiably refers to the very same 11th through 17th cycles symbolized in The Apocalypse and directly synchronizes with other key events and ancient texts.

Consequently, I have demonstrated various things about the nature of this reality that dramatically disprove and/or clarify key assumptions of religion, mysticism, and science alike, while establishing the true meaning and purpose of long misinterpreted ancient wisdom and the symbolism used to model and encode it. Accordingly, I have proven that the symbolism evidenced in the canons of all three faiths of Abraham and other ancient sources is a very ancient and advanced philosophical technology that verifiably models foundational aspects of our existence in this universe. This is the mostly misunderstood body of ancient wisdom long referred to as the Philosophers’ Stone. It uses a large and ingeniously organized collection of physical universe images and concepts as data rich components (symbols) that are based on verifiable rules. It models and encodes an amazing amount of foundational wisdom about life, spirituality and the 11 dimensions of this universe, now verified by string theory. It is also the advanced encryption method used to encode (seal) Hebrew prophecies and wisdom texts.

These ancient prophecies and wisdom texts used advanced symbology to model fundamental wisdom, including future events and situations. A primary facet of ancient wisdom is numeric symbology. Later misinterpretations of this aspect of ancient wisdom resulted in numerology, which, though embodying allusions to certain wisdom, is mostly error prone and false doctrine. My decryption, documentation, and interpretation of ancient symbology, numeric symbolism, and key texts based on them, are now decisively validated.

Here is Wisdom...

Verifiable proof that Armageddon has begun…

Understanding the End Game of Armageddon


DeMoss said...

Give me a reason not to be.

DeMoss said...

And while you're at it, you might want to provide a few specifics.