Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Shamless Self Promotion

Not that anyone reads this...thing...but I've just gotten around to uploading my review of Superman Returns to And You Thought It Was Safe. It's a long piece of bile-driven screeding but it's done and I'm always proud of them one they leave the nest.

I so need to redesign my website. It's current layout dates from sometime in the middle of Our Glorious Leader's first term. I'm bored with it, in all frankness. Have been for some time. My search for a job brought most of my creative projects to a screetching halt. I am now Five unfinished short stories to the wind and counting. Everyone I know is either broke or barreling towards it. My girlfriend is across the country, where she'll remain until...the Goddess knows. In a week I'll be 23 and I've already officially nominated 2006 for the coveted title of "Crappiest Summer Ever."

Linear time can be such an unfeeling bitch. Now that I have the stupid job I keep waiting, expectantly, for the feeling of security I've been told its finanical rewards bring.

I suspect I've been lied to.

When I get some time I plan to write a long, detailed essay about the uncanny similarities between my new job's training program and cult indoctrination. If I'm careful, if I'm clever, and if you, Constant Reader, eat all your vegitables before desert I might just violate a few Confidentiality Agreements for you.

Tagitation: And You Thought It Was Safe Movies Superman Returns reviews wage slavery The Crappy Summer of 2006

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