Saturday, May 26, 2007

Senator Mike Gravel (D-AK) on Eisenhower's Warning to Us All

The only rational being running for President speaks in New Hampshire. And while the corporate media would like to pretend this man does not exist they cannot stop us from learning who he is and what he’s done. This is the man who released the Pentagon Papers to the American public, giving us the until-then secret history of the Vietnam War. This is the man who’s calling for Universal Health Care, a National Initiative program and an immediate (not this September, not next September, not when the next President takes office) withdraw from Iraq. He probably won’t get past the primary season (baring an act of some god or another), yet it is unbelievable refreshing to see someone, somewhere, stumping for these issues…especially now that the corporately anointed candidates have revealed themselves to be mewling, spineless pantywaists.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

He'll win. He's got something better than divine intervention or a $25 million campaign fund. A message that is grabbing the attention & support of disgruntled non voters. They are registering in droves and aren't politically aware enough to care what the polls or pundits have to say about his lack of electibility.