Wednesday, April 04, 2007

My Presidential Predictions

With the Main Event still eighteen months away and the field crowded in what the The Daily Show has rightly termed a “clusterfuck to the White House,” I’m going to go out on a limb here and toss out my prediction for InDecision 2008. Because politics, like war, is quickly becoming a matter of who gets their first with the most, as the current obsession over the candidates first quarter fundraising (Mitt Romney leading the pack with $23 million in the bank) shows us. The most money in the bank and the most boots on the ground. The most Secretaries of State on your campaign staff and the most voting machine companies on your contributors list. The most family friends on the supreme court and the most family members in swing state governorships. And while it is exceedingly hard to measure little things like that at the moment (none of the current candidates have allowed anything more than the usual suspicious signs to flit through the media filter…hell, at this point, they all know no one but the camera crews are really paying attention…they can, at this point, pretty much get away with anything short of going on Larry King and admitting they enjoy sodomizing cheerleaders on the hoods of expensive sports cars) I will go out on a limb and predict that our next president will be…a white, Anglo-Saxon, protestant male.


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