Sunday, January 28, 2007

The Non-Paradox of the Missed Phone Calls

Unfortunate how often we miss each other; how—even in an age of hyper connectivity, of a dependence upon machines so fetisistic its edging every closer toward the cybernetic—we still manage to leave the house in time to miss that one phone call…particularly if, like me, you have no desire or use for the cellular phone. Not to mention the fact that we both Stephen King is exactly right: one day, every single one of the battery-powered, bacteria ridden, life sucking noise machines will ring, all over the world, at exactly the same time. Everyone who answers will be driven hopelessly insane and then where the hell will the rest of us be? I ask you.

When the Stem Cell Wars are over and done and Alzheimer’s is to the children of the First World’s Future what…say…polio is to us now…then the Christo-facists will just have to find a new innovation to demonize as “an offence against God.” I’m better cybernetics will become the Next Big Thing, especially once it becomes commercially viable and all those Pre-Meds with Art Minors start dreaming of manufacturing new limbs.

(Not that I’m naive enough to believe that the not-so-Right Wing will ever give up the Stem Cell Wars, or the larger war against a woman’s free choice to kill her own resource-depleting babies…but its fun to dream. After all that we’ve seen, all that we’ve been through, I take comfort in the fact that on occasion it’s still fun to dream.)

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